v1.8.0 Manage Hierarchy


Manage Hierarchy Page is used to manage and configure Hierarchies in a centralized way.


The following actions, depending on your permissions, can be available for a particular Hierarchy:

  • Creating a Hierarchy

  • Applying a Hierarchy

  • Editing a Hierarchy

  • Deleting a Hierarchy

Manage Hierarchy Page is divided into two parts:

  • On the left side, there’s a list of all the available Hierarchies along with the sorting options at the top and pagination at the bottom

  • On the right side, there’s detailed information regarding a selected Hierarchy: its name, description, action buttons and a set of issues to be created upon Hierarchy usage. Also, the errors, if any, would be displayed in this area. In case there are any errors, the Hierarchy wouldn’t be available for usage (Apply button would be disabled)

Deleting Hierarchy

  1. Navigate to the Manage Hierarchy Page

  2. Select a Hierarchy you’d like to delete

  3. Click Delete on the right side of the screen

  4. Confirm your action to delete the Hierarchy. This cannot be undone