Smart Issue Templates

Smart Issue Templates

  • Create a new issue in your project.

  • Open the Templates menu in the Create dialog and select a template from the dropdown list.

  • Click on Apply to see the fields already populated by the template


From now on you can easily create templates with multiple levels and configure them separately.

You can now save the filtering parameters of the Template List even after Reloading a page. There is no need to set up filters from scratch every time you open the Template List: just select your preferred settings and save them.

  • The templates are now available directly on the Jira issue page, so you can create issues from templates without leaving Jira.

  • We have added an option to create a hierarchy from a sample. If you have an existing issue, its hierarchy will be automatically created for you and stored as a template. You can choose whether or not to include sub-tasks in your new template when creating it from an issue with existing sub-tasks.

  • Templates are now easier to manage with our improved user interface! Drag & drop issues inside hierarchies, expand/collapse hierarchies individually, rearrange and rename fields in the settings section.