Manage Time-off

Manage Time-off

To open this page select the ‘Manage Time-off’ in the left side menu.

The following page is made for the Approvers. Due to the permissions, the current Approver can view only requests where he is the Approver and/or all requests, and approve or decline them.

The ‘Manage Time-off’ page has got two tabs: Active Time-off and Pending.

Active Time-off tab

You can view requests with all statuses on the Active Time-off tab except the ‘Pending’.

For a more comfortable view of the specific time-off request click the ‘View’ button.

Then you’ll see more details of the request.

Pending tab

The time-offs with ‘Pending’ status are displayed here.

Approval Actions

After clicking the ‘View’ button you’ll have the dialog opened with a more detailed time-off description and the active or inactive buttons available. It depends on the permissions.

Clicking the ‘High priority issues’ button the list of issues assigned to the current requester is displayed. The issues are the active links with an opportunity to open a specific issue.

To approve the request:

  • Open the ‘Manage Time-off’ page

  • Click the ‘Pending’ tab on it

  • Select the specific request and click the ‘View’ button in its row

  • Click the ‘Approve’ button at the footer of the dialog

The request status will be changed from ‘Pending’ to ‘Approved’ and will be moved from the Pending tab to the ‘Active Time-off’ tab.

If you want to decline the request click the ‘Decline’ button.

In case, you want to close the view dialog of the current request simply click the ‘Close’ button.

The requester will see the status change on his ‘My Time-off’ page.


To apply the time-off filtering click the ‘Filter’ button that is shown on the screenshot below.

The time-offs can be filtered by date range, by time-off type, by user name separately, or multiple.

To turn the filtering off click the ‘Remove Filter’ button.

Time-off Reports

You can gather all data about time-offs and create a report in .csv format on the Manage Time-off page:

1. Click the Create Report button

2. Chose one or a few parameters you need in the mandatory Select parameter field:

  • All requests

  • By date created requests

  • By start vacation date

  • By finish the vacation date

  • By requester

  • By status

  • By vacation type

3. Fill out additional fields that will appear depending on the selected report parameter

4. Click the Generate Report button

5. Click the DOWNLOAD REPORT button to start downloading the .csv file



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