API Body examples

API Body examples

Here you can find examples of bodies for Applying Templates, Applying Hierarchies, and Creating/Editing Schedulers.

Apply Hierarchy

The body for applying Hierarchy has these lines that need to be filled with data:

  • "hierId": "*", - *, paste the link for the Hierarchy which you want to apply

  • if your Hierarchy has the TEXT Variables you can change the value for this Variable. Just enter the name for the TEXT Hierarchy variable and value that you want to set after applying the Hierarchy

"hierarchyVars": [
"name": "*",
"value": "*"


The value for TEXT Variables can be changed only for Summary and Desription fields

Body example for Applying the Hierarchy:

curl --location 'https://0a9cf0ca-47bf-4a92-81ea-18800c83b3a3.hello.atlassian-dev.net/x1/Pmj4P-DLISh-JD9NVVwFzQ4HizQ' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJleHBpcmVzSW4iOiI3IGRheXMiLCJzY29wZSI6WyJhbGwiXSwiYWNjb3VudElkIjoiNjBmNTE5ZDMyYjU2Y2MwMDY5NTU1OWJlIiwiaGFzaCI6IjVlYWEyZDE4NTAxNzhjMzM3MzNkZTc5YjIzYzBlZWZkMDQ0MzIyZjA1NGY1MzRiNjdhZWFhZTMzZWZmOTljYmFhY2MzNmIyYzdhZGUzMTk3YjkxZGI4YmE5ZTk2YjNhZDNjMDVkZGEyZjNiMGE1OWU1YjYxNjg1ODBjMjdmOTI1ODAwYTE0YjAyMWZkN2NmYzQxMDE2YzhjOTk3NDI0ZTEyMzA3ZDYyNmFjZmUwYWJiYzgzN2RhYTc2Y2QzZWJiNGVjOWZhZjExZjllZGU5M2VjZDUyNDkzMThmYmZkMDJlODJkYjE4ZmU2YjhmYjg4MzgzMGMwMzIyZWE5MTY0OTMiLCJpYXQiOjE3MDAxOTY1OTgsImV4cCI6MTcwMDgwMTM5OH0.P9rfoLhJ0QTyJRUnZPceplnGI_jAUFVmekydKOVX6l8' \ --data '{ "entity":"hierScheduler", "type": "edit", "hierId" : "985d5453-94ff-40b0-bf8a-0eb2c4c0714d", "scName": "test3", "CRON": "17 9 * * 6", "repeat": true, "isActive": false, "utcOffset": 120, "utcZone": "Europe/Kiev" }'

How to create and manage Hierarchy: Hierarchies


Get Status for Applying Hierarchy

To Get Status for Applying Hierarchy you can use this request.

curl --location 'https://0a9cf0ca-47bf-4a92-81ea-18800c83b3a3.hello.atlassian-dev.net/x1/Pmj4P-DLISh-JD9NVVwFzQ4HizQ' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"task" : "queue-name4#dd354fbf-b964-46a7-b1a1-f17393737720"

Create Hierarchy Scheduler

The body for creating the Scheduler has these lines that need to be filled with data:

  • "type": "create", - here you can write what actions need to be done for the Scheduler. It can be created or edited

  • "hierId": "*", - *, paste the Hierarchy ID link, for which need to create a Scheduler

  • "scName": "*", - *, enter the Scheduler name, which needs to be created for the Hierarchy

  • "CRON": "* * * * *", - set the CRON, when the Scheduler will be applied

  • "repeat": true, - set if the scheduler will be executed once (false) or will be worked constantly after first execution (true)

  • "isActive": true, - set if the scheduler will be enabled (true) or disabled (false)

  • "utcOffset": 120, - set the UTC zone in the minutes (for example value for the UTC +2 its 120)

  • "utcZone": "Europe/Kiev" - set the UTC zone

Body example for Creating the Scheduler:

curl --location 'https://0a9cf0ca-47bf-4a92-81ea-18800c83b3a3.hello.atlassian-dev.net/x1/Pmj4P-DLISh-JD9NVVwFzQ4HizQ' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"type": "create",
"hierId" : "985d5453-94ff-40b0-bf8a-0eb2c4c0714d",
"scName": "test3",
"CRON": "17 9 * * 6",
"repeat": true,
"isActive": true,
"utcOffset": 120,
"utcZone": "Europe/Kiev"

How to create and manage Scheduler: Apply Hierarchy by Schedule

Update Hierarchy Scheduler

The body for editing the Scheduler has these lines that need to be filled with data:

  • "type": "edit", - here you can write what actions need to be done for the Scheduler. It can be create or edit

  • "hierId": "*", - *, paste the Hierarchy ID link, for which need to create a Scheduler

  • "scName": "*", - *, enter the Scheduler name, which needs to be created for the Hierarchy

  • "CRON": "* * * * *", - set the CRON, when the Scheduler will be applied

  • "repeat": true, - set if the scheduler will be executed once (false) or will be worked constantly after first execution (true)

  • "isActive": true, - set if the scheduler will be enabled (true) or disabled (false)

  • "utcOffset": 120, - set the UTC zone in the minutes (for example value for the UTC +2 its 120)

  • "utcZone": "Europe/Kiev" - set the UTC zone

Body example for Editing the Scheduler:

curl --location 'https://0a9cf0ca-47bf-4a92-81ea-18800c83b3a3.hello.atlassian-dev.net/x1/Pmj4P-DLISh-JD9NVVwFzQ4HizQ' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"type": "edit",
"hierId" : "985d5453-94ff-40b0-bf8a-0eb2c4c0714d",
"scName": "test3",
"CRON": "17 9 * * 6",
"repeat": true,
"isActive": false,
"utcOffset": 120,
"utcZone": "Europe/Kiev"


Apply template

The body for applying the Template has these lines that need to be filled with data:

  • "templateId" : "*", - *, paste the link for Template that need to apply

  • "projectId":"*", - *, paste the project ID for which you want to apply the Template

  • "issueTypeId":"*" - *, paste the issue type ID for which you want to apply the Template

Body example for Applying the Template:

curl --location 'https://0a9cf0ca-47bf-4a92-81ea-18800c83b3a3.hello.atlassian-dev.net/x1/Pmj4P-DLISh-JD9NVVwFzQ4HizQ' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"templateId" : "10c3da22-46d5-4ffe-92ae-5998228ada7d",


How to create and manage Template: Templates

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