
1. What are the tags for?

Tags are used to label Templates and Hierarchies, to filter and sort them by a set of Tags.

2. How do I create, change, and delete a tag?

To create a Tag please go to the Tags page (Apps → Manage Templates → Tags tab).

All Tags will be displayed on this page. The GLOBAL tag already exists on this page. This is a default value you can use.

Let's create a new tag using the Create Tag button in the upper right page corner.

A Tag can be edited by clicking on its name.

3. How to assign a tag to a template?

In order to assign a Tag to a Template, let's go to the Manage Templates page first and click the Create Template button or open the Edit Template dialog by clicking on the existing Template you want to assign a Tag to.

Start typing the Tag name and the plugin will offer you all existing Tags that contain such a set of characters in their names.

If you do not select any Tags when creating a template, then no Tag will be set.

Searching for Tags by name is case sensitive.

4. How to assign a tag to a hierarchy?

In order to assign a Tag to a Hierarchy, let's go to the Manage Hierarchies page first and click the Create Hierarchy button or open the Edit Hierarchy dialog by clicking on the existing Hierarchy you want to assign a Tag to.

Start typing the Tag name and the plugin will offer you all existing Tags that contain such a set of characters in their names.

5. How to remove/delete the tag?

5.1 Remove Tag from the Template or Hierarchy.

Any Tag can be removed from the template by clicking on the cross icon of this Tag. This operation can be done both when creating a template and when editing it.

5.2 Delete Tag away from the System.

To delete the Tag from the system just click the trash bin icon and confirm your action by clicking the Delete button.