System Variables
In case if there is a need to use dynamically calculated data, we developed a set of system variables that can help with this task. These variables are used just as straightforward as regular variables.
At this point in time, the list of system variables include:
Date and Time
$today - today’s date and time
$tomorrow - tomorrow’s date and time
$time - current time
$datetime - current date
Current User
$username - the user that applying the hierarchy
$userEmail - email of the user that applying the hierarchy
Current Issue Details
$projectKey - the key of the project where the issue will create
$projectName - the name of the project where the issue will create
$projectLeadName - the leader of the project where the issue will create
$issueKey - the key issue that will create
Parent Issue Details
$parentKey - the key of the parent issue
$parentSummary - the summary of the parent issue
$parentDescription - the key of the parent issue
$parentIssueType - the issue typo of parent issue
$parentStatus - the status of the parent issue
$parentPriority - the priority of the parent issue
$parentDueDate - the due date of the parent issue
As it was already mentioned before, variables - are placeholders that are automatically filled with data that is available at the moment of the Issue creation.
$today - is filled with the date when the issue was created
$tomorrow - is filled with the date after the day the issue was created
$time - is filled with the exact time when the issue was created
$datetime -Â is filled with the date and time when the issue was created