SITC Post function for Applying Template

SITC Post function for Applying Template

The ‘Post' function is a new addition to the existing 'Apply Template’ feature. Using the Post Function you can automate the process of applying the Templates

Adding the Post function for the Jira project

The Post Function for applying Templates can be used only in the Jira Software Company-managed projects

To add the Post Function for Applying the Templates:

  1. Open the Jira COmany-managed Project for which you want to add the Post Function

  2. Click the ‘Project settings’ on the left side navigation panel

  3. Click the ‘Workflows'

  4. Click on the ‘pencil’ icon in the ‘Actions’ column to Edit the workflow

  5. Click on the ‘Diagram’ option

  6. Select the status to which you want to add the Post Function

  7. Click on the ‘arrow’ for this status

  8. Click on the ‘Post Functions’ section

  9. Click the ‘Add post function’

  10. Select the ‘SITC Apply Template’ post function from the list

  11. Click the ‘Add’ button

Now need to Add Parameters for the Post Function

  1. Select the Jira Company-managed Project for which you want to apply the Template (in this selected project will be created Jira issue)

  2. Select the issue type for which the Template will be applied (this type will have the created Jira Issue after applying the Template)

  3. Select the transition type

The transition type must be suitable for the status that you selected before adding the Post Function

For example:

  • status Create - suitable transition type also To Do

  • status In progress - suitable transition type also In Progress

  • status Done - suitable transition type also Done

  1. Select the Template(s) that need to apply

Template picker will contain Templates that have Scope matched with the current issue, project, and issue types field and if the current user has access to the Template.

  1. Click the ‘Add’ button

  2. Click the ‘Publish draft' option

  3. Click the ‘Publish’ button again

Now, when the Jira Issue changes the status for that was created Post Function the Template will be applied


You can create several post functions for one Jira Company-managed project. Also, the Post Function can be edited.

Editing Post Function

To edit the Post Function for Applying Templates:

  1. Open the Jira Company-managed Project where the Post Function was created

  2. Click the ‘Project settings’ on the left side navigation panel

  3. Click the ‘Workflows'

  4. Click on the ‘pencil’ icon in the ‘Actions’ column to Edit the workflow

  5. Click on the ‘Diagram’ option

  6. Select the status to which you want to add the Post Function

  7. Click on the ‘arrow’ for this status

  8. Click on the ‘Post Functions’ section

  9. Click the ‘Add post function’

  10. Find the ‘SITC Apply Template’ post function in the list and click on the ‘pencil’ icon for editing

  11. Make changes for Post Function

  12. Click the ‘Update’ button

  13. Click the ‘Publish draft' option

  14. Click the ‘Publis’ button

Now, when the Jira Issue changes the status for that was created Post Function the Template will be applied



Deleting the Post Function from the Jira project

To delete the Post Function for Applying Templates:

  1. Open the Jira Company-managed Project where the Post Function was created

  2. Click the ‘Project settings’ on the left side navigation panel

  3. Click the ‘Workflows'

  4. Click on the ‘pencil’ icon in the ‘Actions’ column to Edit the workflow

  5. Click on the ‘Diagram’ option

  6. Select the status that was selected for the created Post Function

  7. Click on the ‘arrow’ for this status

  8. Click on the ‘Post Functions’ section

  9. Find the ‘SITC Apply Template’ post function in the list

  10. Click on the ‘cross’ icon to delete

  11. Click the ‘Publish draft' option

The Post Function was deleted