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Bot Open Count by Unique Users | How many times a unique user has opened one of your agents. | Count |
Average Interaction Duration | The average amount of time a user interacts with your agent. | Minutes |
Page Load Count by Unique Users | How many times a user has loaded a page with your embedded agent present. | Count |
Total Bot Load Events | How many times your agent has been loaded by a user. | Count |
Total Bot Open Events | How many times a user has clicked on your agent and opened it. | Count |
Average Interaction Duration | The average amount of time a user interacts with your agent. | Seconds |
Users With Multiple Bot Sessions | The amount of users that have used your agent more then once. | Count |
Popular Countries | The top 5 countries that your agent users are from. | Percentage |
Popular Continents | The top 5 continents that your agent users are from. | Percentage |
Popular Languages | The top 5 languages that your agent users speak. | Percentage |
Popular Entry Points | The top 5 domains your users are accessing your agent on. | Percentage |
Interaction vs Non-interaction Ratio | People who visited your domain, opened your agent, and asked a question, versus those who did not. | Percentage |
Devices | The agent users on Desktop versus Mobile. | Percentage |