| | |
1 | Name | Name your agent. |
2 | Status | Active |
3 | Private Knowledge Bases | Select from your private knowledge bases to train your agent |
4 | Prompt | Allows you to change the fundamental way your chatbot responds to users. Every time your chatbot generates a response, it takes the prompt into account so you can customize responses to your linking. |
5 | Memory | Allows you to adjust the amount of conversation history the agent uses to generate a response. Balanced (context = history) Balanced history and context. Knowledgeable (more context) In-depth answers from your KB context but not a lot of conversation history. Conversational (more history) References history from a long conversation rather than your KB context.
6 | Temperature | How creative your agent's answers are. Move the slider to the right for more creative answers, and move it to the left for less creative answers. |
7 | Allowed Domain | The domain you wish to deploy your agent on. |
8 | Embed | A code snippet that needs to be embedded between the body tags of a page on your allowed domain. |