Create Template

Create Template

Our Templates function as blueprints for existing Jira Issues or SIT Hierarchies, providing a formal framework for your projects. You can create templates from the Manage Templates page or the Jira issue View page.

Create a Template from a ‘Manage Templates’ page

The Template can be created in 3 ways from the Manage Templates page:

  1. Create a Template from scratch

  2. Create a Template from the existing issue

  3. Create Template from the Hierarchy Node

To open the Manage Templates page:

  1. Click the “Apps” dropdown and then the “Manage Templates” option.

  1. You will be redirected to the Manage Templates page, where you can find an “Add Template” button.

  2. When you click the “Add Template” button a dialog appears, where you have to select the method of creating a Template and filling necessary fields.


Fields in the Create Template dialog:

Field Name


Field Name


Template Name *

Unique name, up to 59 characters long, case insensitive.


Themed icon for a Template


Short Template description, up to 256 characters long.


Add the Template for categorization the Template.

Choose way to create Template *

  • from scratch - Build a new, custom template starting with no predefined content or structure

  • from existing issue - Use a pre-existing Jira issue as the basis to create a new template

  • from Hierarchy Node - Use a specific hierarchy node within as the foundation for a new template


Restricts the Template visibility. The Template will be available only in projects and issue types specified in the Scope for each user that has access to projects that were listed in Scope and has one of the groups that were defined in the scope.

If the Scope wasn't selected - by default was used GLOBAL scope

Available for

Restricts users who can use the Template.


  • only the owner of the Template will be able to apply the Template


  • any users that have access to projects that are selected in the Scope will be able to apply the Template.

* - The fields are required

Create a Template from Scratch

Build a new, custom template starting with no predefined content or structure. Select the Project and Issue type for which you want to create a Template and fill in all fields that you want to include to the Template.

To create a Template from scratch:

  1. Open the Manage Templates page

  2. Click the ‘Add Template’ button

  3. Enter the Template name

  4. Select the ‘from scratch’ option in the ‘Choose way to create Template:’ section

  5. Select the Project and Issue Type

  6. Select the scope for restriction of usage for Template or leave this field empty. If the Scope field is empty - for Template will be applied to the GLOBAL scope, which has Global

  7. Enable the ‘Available only for owner’ checkbox if you want that only the owner of the Template will be able to apply the Template

  8. Click the ‘Create’ button

  1. Fill in all fields that you want to include in the Template

  2. Click the ‘Create’ button

Now the Template has been created and can be used.

How to edit a Template and view the Template data created from scratch:

Create a Template from the Existing issue

Use a pre-existing Jira issue as the basis to create a new template. To create the Template from the existing issue - need to create a Jira issue, with some data and after that create the Template from the 'Manage Templates' page or from the ‘Jira Issue View’ page.