Edit Template

Edit Template

The ability to edit templates depends on your permissions.

Editing Template created from the Scratch

How to create a Template from Scratch: Create Template | Create a Template from Scratch

To Edit Template created from Scratch:

  1. Select the Template that needs to be edited

  2. Click on the Template Name in the ‘Name' column

  3. On the Edit Template dialog, you can edit these Template fields:

  • Template name,

  • Description,

  • Tags,

  • Available for,

  • Scope,

  • Owner

  1. To Edit the Issue fields click on the ‘Edit Template Content' button. In the Template Content dialog, you can edit the Issue field that was added to that Issue Type in the Jira project.

  2. To save changes click the ‘Update’ button

  1. Click the ‘Update’ button again

Now the Template has been edited and can be used

Editing Template created from the Existing Issue

How to create a Template from the Existing Issue: Create Template | Create a Template from the Existing issue

To Edit Template created from the Existing Issue:

  1. Select the Template that needs to be edited

  2. Click on the Template Name in the ‘Name' column

  3. On the Edit Template dialog, you can directly change the Template name, Description, Tags, Available for, Scope, and Owner fields only! Also, you can reconnect the Template to another Jira Issue.

There are some peculiarities in the case of Scope editing using the Team-Managed project types for scopes. Learn more about it here.

We want you to have as much control over Templates as possible while allowing you the freedom to change the issues whenever you need.

  1. If you want to change the values that the Template will fill in the fields you need to change the original Jira issue first and then update the state of the Template via the “Sync with” button. Then you can check the difference between the current state of the Template and the issue it originated from by clicking on the “Compare with the issue” button.

Editing Template created from the Hierarchy Node

To Edit Template created from the Hierarchy Node:

  1. Select the Template that needs to be edited

  2. Click on the Template Name in the ‘Name' column

  3. On the Edit Template dialog, you can edit these Template fields:

  • Template name,

  • Description,

  • Tags,

  • Available for,

  • Scope,

  • Owner

  • Change the Hierarchy and Hierarchy Node

  1. To save changes click the ‘Update’ button

Now the Template has been edited and can be used

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