Version Control Process

Version Control Process

Who can use this Hierarchy?

This process is intended for software development teams and project managers who use Jira to manage projects and need a systematic approach to handle version control.


Project Manager

Release Manager

Project Coordinator

Team Members

Quality Assurance Team


Software Development

Quality Assurance


Software Development

Technology Services


Demonstration Video

A demonstration video is available to guide users through each step of setting up and managing the version control process in Jira.


Description of the Hierarchy

Main Components and Workflow:

  1. Establish Version Guidelines

    • Define naming standards and plan a release schedule.

  2. Configure Versions in Jira

    • Create version entries that align with the project timeline.

  3. Link Development Work to Versions

    • Ensure that all related development tasks are correctly linked to their respective versions.

  4. Monitor Version Progress

    • Use Jira dashboards to monitor the status and readiness of each version for release.

  5. Finalize and Review Versions

    • Conduct final reviews to ensure completeness before release and update version statuses post-release.

  6. Collect Feedback and Improve

    • Gather and analyze feedback to refine the version control process continuously.

Application Across an Organization:

Implementing this version control process allows teams to manage releases more effectively, ensuring that each version is developed, tested, and released according to plan.

Outcome and Benefits:

Organizations adopting this structured version control process can expect:

  • Enhanced Coordination: Improved synchronization between development tasks and release schedules.

  • Increased Efficiency: Streamlined management of versions leads to quicker turnaround times.

  • Improved Product Quality: Through systematic testing and feedback incorporation.

Hierarchy Structure

Download and Import the Hierarchy

Download the file below, go the manage hierarchies screen, and click import to use the hierarchy.